“Ready for a chemical attack.” What to expect from the Tsar

The importance of not underestimating the enemy. Never. Especially in the face of a sudden escalation, a resurgence that the Russian army could deploy chemical weapons. Ukraine has also braced itself for this frightening scenario, which NATO, international intelligence agencies and also the WHO are voicing at high risk. More than forty days after the start of the conflict, Kyiv has therefore announced that it has prepared itself to be able to save civilians and soldiers in the event of a chemical weapons attack: the assurance came from the secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, Alexei Danilov.

In the past few hours, President Zelenskyi’s close associate has said that all measures to deal with such a threat have been prepared. To demonstrate the perceived real danger. “It used to be said that the Russians could prepare you chemical attack against the armed forces and some of our cities, “Danilov said in a televised address, declaring that” the appropriate work has been done, the medical staff was trained “. Today continued the Ukrainian security officer “there are enough antidotes in hospitals and in our defense forces to withstand a chemical attack.

For the past few weeks, news has been circulating that some Russian army officers have been given drugs to prevent possible chemical poisoning. Indiscretions that had also sounded the alarm on the other side. More recently, the United States had provided the Ukrainians with chemical weapons armor to protect the men of Kyiv. There was talk of gas masks, protective suits and other equipment. Shipping of protective equipment etc medication it had also been evaluated by the European Union. Intelligence sources at the time had warned of the danger of falseflag actions that could have been used by the Russians to blame Kyiv, adding to the scale of the clash right at the front lines poisonous weapons.

Now, as Danilov said, Ukraine is ready to repel even these types of attacks, which are feared to have a serious impact on unarmed civilians. The country’s hospitals are on alert, as are international organizations. In fact, just yesterday (WHO) had announced that it was preparing for possible “chemical attacks”. In a briefing in Lviv, the head of the European section of the UN agency said, Hans Kluge, had stressed that “given the uncertainties surrounding the current situation, there are no guarantees that the war will not worsen,” according to Reuters reports. And the deterioration in question does not only refer to traditional weapons.

“WHO is considering all scenarios and preparing for various eventualities that could affect the Ukrainian people, from treating large numbers of victims to chemical attacks,” Kluge said. Desired Goal: defuse the health bomb before it’s too late.