Andorra will be able to impose sanctions on Russian citizens

This is the first time for Andorra. The small Pyrenees announced earlier this week through the vote of Xavier Espot, head of his government, that he would pass a law allowing him to impose financial sanctions on Russia and Belarus following the invasion of Ukraine.


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This was done as it was approved by the parliament with 20 of the 21 deputies present. This will allow him to freeze the bank assets of Russian companies and citizens whose actions would demonstrate funding, in one way or another, for the war in Ukraine. The small country of 78,000 people, only half of whom are Andorrans, has 700 people in Russia and Belarus, as well as about 60 companies.

This is a popular destination, especially for winter sports, by the Russians. Russia also has a consulate there, and wealthy businessmen on Vladimir Putin’s side may soon find themselves in economic difficulties if they no longer receive remittances from their country.