“We prefer them Peace or the air conditioning on? That is the question we must ask ourselves.” In a short, simple sentence, the Prime Minister said, Mario Draghiseemed to have drawn the government (and country) line not to bow to it “Shame”as he defined it himself, of the war that had begun Wladimir Putin in Ukraine. Because whoever imagined that this statement was the prelude to a new hierarchy, with i human rights about strategic and economic interestshe was wrong.
This is demonstrated by Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Di Maio’s trips to various countries to seek new deals, including Algeria, Angola, Republic of the Congo and Qatarthe latest agreement signed by Eni in Egypthome of Abdel Fattah alSisithe one who initiated the trial of the four agents of the nsa accused of kidnapping, torture and murder Giulio Regeni. The same who runs the country he has kept in prison for almost two years Patrick Zaki and who has not yet acquitted him of the charges dissemination of false reports on Facebook. The same one who carries it on purges of political opponentshas ended up in prison by the thousands since taking power in a coup in 2013, and some have died in prison or in custody under suspicious circumstances.
An agreement that made even the majority partner “doubtful”. Enrico Letta, which recalled the North African state’s obstruction in the Regeni investigation. But in the case of Egypt which, despite all this, has never been referred to as a country to be confronted, as is legitimately done with the invader Vladimir Putin’s Russia, but as one strategic partner in the area, not just for the thriving commercial agreements (also on topic armor) and energetic ongoing, but also in perspective “Fight Against Terrorism” and for them “Stabilization of Libya” the standards applied to Moscow do not seem to apply.
Of course, unlike the Russian president, alSisi did not order the invasion of any independent state, but the casualties of his repression of the opposition at home are increasing every year. The same is true of other energyrich countries, which are as comfortable today as they have ever been. For example theSaudi Arabiahome of it “Arab Renaissance” prophesied by Matteo Renzi that offers 8% of the oil imported into ItalyDespite endemic human rights abuses and heavy accountability for the assassination of the dissident Washington Post journalist, Jamal Khashoggi.
All countries with obvious problems of human rights violations, all led by more or less cruel dictatorships, all Italian partners. But all without a nuclear arsenal, unlike Russia. So at least they can’t pose a threat to national security.
Twitter: @GianniRosini