: Group B makes a plan and combines signals to send messages outside during Hora do Faro: “You can do it like this…


Technique would be to find out who is canceled from the outside or not

by Ana Lima

10/20/2022 13:41 BRT

10/20/2022 13:41 BRT

Fazenda 14: Group B plans and combines signals to transmit messages outside during Hora do Faro© Images 1 and 2 TV Playback/RecordingFazenda 14: Group B plans and combines signals to transmit messages outside during Hora do FaroAnaLima

in the The farm 14after Thomas Costa openly saying that he wants to leave reality, the boy’s allied pawns begin to plan his exit and his steps outside, even making a plan to find out who is seen good or bad from the outside.

Like any eliminated participant, the farmer who says goodbye to thirst also joins the program after a dynamic Faro time, with the rest of the house. in a conversation Kerina Cardoso, Redhead from Mars and Deborah Albuquerque They taught the boy signs to convey messages: “You can do this with your hair,” the former BBB said.

Then the participants suggested that Thomaz would pass on the information according to the small signs he would give to each pedestrian: “I will make a plan for those who are canceled. If you are a plant, I will create a botanical garden for you”, he signed.

Kerline then suggested that the actor put one on whoever was the favorite as well, gesturing a word instead of saying it: “Whoever is the favorite, put it on…”. Deborah then became enthusiastic about the plan and said that she was concerned: “The faro I will worry about most will be yours”.