Attempted murder in Saint-Hyacinthe: A neighbor had already denounced domestic violence

The neighbor of a mother who was the victim of an attempted murder in Saint-Hyacinthe on Wednesday had already denounced the domestic violence the lady would have experienced afterwards found with a swollen face.

• Also read: Abusive Spouses: 810s create a false sense of security

Police went to the floor of this apartment on Saint-Dominique Avenue in Saint-Hyacinthe where a mother was stabbed multiple times by her spouse.

Photo Agency QMI, Erik Peters

Police went to the floor of this apartment on Saint-Dominique Avenue in Saint-Hyacinthe where a mother was stabbed multiple times by her spouse.

“My conscience ached with all the femicides. I saw her with one eye that was struggling to close and decided to hit the gas and denounce. I went to the police station last March to file a complaint,” said Daniel-Emmanuel Langlois.

Photo agency QMI, Erik Peters

The latter was struck down when he noticed a police presence in front of his house on the avenue Saint-Dominique on Tuesday night when he had heard nothing.

“It was done sneakily, like cowards do. We’ve heard screams and conflict before, but not this time,” he said.

A 56-year-old man has now been charged with attempted murder and aggravated assault on his wife. We cannot identify the latter due to a publication ban, which also prevents us from naming the accused.

The mother of three was severely stabbed in the head and abdomen by her partner. According to the Sûreté du Québec, it is in stable condition.

He calls his owner

It was two teenagers – children of the victim but not the defendant – who called emergency services

For his part, the suspect called his landlord around 1:05 a.m., shortly after he allegedly stabbed his wife.

“He said to me, ‘My wife hit me, now I’m running away. I will go to the police, the police are looking for me,” said Zacharie Bigirimana, who was shocked after seeing the violence at the scene at his home.

Photo agency QMI, Erik Peters

According to our information, the man was arrested by car not far from the scene of the accident when he was probably on his way to the police station.

The defendant had no right to be near or to contact the victim except “with his consent”.


On 09/23 He had signed a contract for a period of 12 monthsmore commonly referred to as “810” in legal jargon.

“Immediately after I testified against him in court, he returned to live there as if nothing had happened,” lamented Daniel-Emmanuel Langlois. A month later he stabs her. »

“Several conditions were imposed on the gentleman to protect the victim, taking into account the specific circumstances of the case known at the time. […] It was aimed at maintaining the relationship of trust with the victim and taking their wishes into account in all of this,” confirms Me Audrey Roy-Cloutier, spokeswoman for the Director of Law and Law Enforcement, who was unable to comment further due to ongoing information on the proceedings.


SOS Domestic Violence

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