According to his own statements, Sobotka had a clear opinion of Schmid since 2015 and this was different from others, he indicated that he was not one of his supporters.
With regard to the various allegations currently circulating, a full clarification is needed. In the end, however, they could not be provided by politics and the media landscape, but by the police and the courts. To deter inappropriate interventions, Sobotka insisted that such calls should be recorded.
During Schmid’s first interrogation, which he had consistently refused in the subcommittee, second chairman Doris Bures (SPĂ–) presided over the meeting. Sobotka emphasized that this was not because of the person who provided the information, but because of a trip to Milan that had been fixed much earlier. Time permitting, he always presides over the meeting, as stipulated in the bylaws: “I abide by the law.”