micol and jael Use the beautiful day to snuggle up in the garden and indulge in gossip.
The new additions have thrown the house off balance, and some people have blamed the Strike for being surrounded by competitors they don’t know.
Giaele admits that she is jealous Antoninobut his feeling is given by the friendship they have built and not by a love interest.
According to the model, Antonino is upset. The boy makes a man confident, but in reality he is very fragile. He loves being the center of attention and now feels overthrown by the new VIPs.
To keep calm, the stylist needs to be wooed by the girls. He likes to flirt and cannot live without a beautiful woman who admires him.
Giaele tried to dissuade him and make him think. Well-being must first come from self-acceptance and only at a later stage can the approval of others be sought.
He should be comfortable regardless of the girls.
According to him, Giaele encouraged him to open up to the newcomers that had come in. An acquaintance should not be ruled out just because at first glance it does not reflect his taste.
talk about it Oriana, Micol explains that he just can’t bond with her. They are too different and, despite the fact that they entered together, he did not make friends with the girl.
Giaele finds her excellent company to party with, but she couldn’t confide and talk about more intimate topics.
“It’s like she’s playing a different game,” says Micol, noting Oriana’s disinterest in getting to know the contestants.
Giaele returns to Antonino and reiterates that Oriana doesn’t seem like the guy’s type. Physically she is a very beautiful girl, but perhaps temperamentally she would not suit the hairdresser.
The two friends agree on almost everything, and according to their analysis, Oriana is not the dream girl of any tenant of the house.
Will they be right or will the girl be able to drive some VIPs crazy?