Eliezer’s success proves that the BBB premium is low

*By Splash staff

Former “BBB 22” Eliezer said he has already earned the equivalent of the reality show award, R$1.5 million. In an interview with PatrĂ­cia Kogut from O Globo, Viih Tube’s friend said that he is not connected to material things, but that they function.

Columnist Lucas Pasin opined in the Central splash that the exBBB’s success shows that reality show premiums are lower than they should be.

This just proves that the reality premiums are very low. If a guy like Eliezer could win the reality award so easily, who would want to stay locked in there for three months and expose themselves to win that pittance?

Columnist Aline Ramos also pointed out that many celebrities have said they’ve won amounts equivalent to reality TV awards like the BBB.

We need more information. I can come here and say I won R$1.5 million and who will doubt that? I want to come back to the controversy of people showing their credit card statements. Eliezer, show your statement. Let’s see if that R$1.5 million really pays off.

In the Central splashChico Barney, Aline Ramos and Lucas Pasin discuss all that’s hot in reality shows, television and celebrity and sub celebrity life.

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