“manipulation that happens”; Britto Jr. causes to explode, exposing the station’s alleged “rotting.”


The former rural program host wasted no time in discrediting the reality show’s production

By Guilherme Corte

12/06/2022 10:31 GMT

12/06/2022 10:31 GMT

Images: Reproduction/Official Instagram by Britto Jr.Images: Reproduction/Official Instagram by Britto Jr.Guilherme Corte

Last Monday (5), Britto Jr.., former presenter of A Fazenda, recorded a video for his YouTube channel and detonated it record TV, responsible for creating the program. The journalist commented on the recent events in the latest installment of the reality show and ended up revealing supposed “rotten things” about the rural attraction.

“Understanding what’s happening in ‘A Fazenda’ is a lot easier than it seems. At least for me it’s clear,” he said at the beginning. “To convince Deolane Bezerra to enter the reality show, they said that she would have everything to end up being the great champion. ‘Is that right you think? So I’ll go’. more popularity, which will give more repercussion on the program. Most don’t fall for this conversation, but Deolane did,” he commented.

Britto also revealed that while this alleged “agreement” is common, it’s done in a way that there’s no proof or signed document: “Now it’s clear: it’s a combination. A backstage conversation. There is no signed document that guarantees victory by anyone, by any participant who has gone through the program, not even Deolane, okay? Mainly because we agree that this paper would have no value in court, of course not ! be just evidence of fraud.”

Finally, the journalist also opened up about what would have made Deolane Bezerra quit the rural reality show and pointed to a solution for the program. “Deolane was left as a villain. This kind of manipulation that takes place on the ‘Fazenda’ is psychological. It produces victims but leaves no trace. It will take a lot of money to compensate the victims of this manipulation (… ) There is only one way out: to change the entire production and direction of reality,” he said.