“You don’t go to heaven by express train”

Former German Cardinal Kasper speaks out against a quick canonization of Pope Benedict XVI. – and criticizes his private secretary, Georg Gänswein.

Cardinal Emeritus of the German Curia Walter Kasper (89) is against an accelerated process by the Church for the canonization of the late former Pope Benedict XVI. “Canon law says you must wait at least five years after death before filing this suit, and that is very careful and wise advice. You don’t take the bullet train to heaven,” Kasper said in an interview with the newspaper. “La Repubblica” (Sunday).

Kasper expressed concern over Benedict XVI’s private secretary, Georg Gänswein, who has criticized Pope Francis in a book titled “Nient’altro che la verità” (Nothing but the truth) to be published next week. “It would have been better to remain silent. Now is not the time for such things,” said Kasper.

“Different Personalities”

According to the German cardinal, Benedict cannot be compared to the current Pope Francis. “They are different personalities, obviously, they come from different cultures, one from European culture, the other from Latin American culture, that’s clear, but from the theological point of view they were much closer than we think. Benedikt often had friendly relations with him. There are no other differences to be found, and the fact that there is an accent difference between the two is completely normal,” explained Kasper.

Francis has no intention of resigning, the cardinal said. In case of a serious health problem, he would have no problem resigning, but, as Francis himself said, “one does not govern with one’s legs, but with one’s head”, argued Kasper. Francis is already looking to the Catholic Jubilee in 2025.