Luciana Gimenez undergoes surgery after a skiing accident in USA


Photo: Instagram/Luciana Gimenez / Modern Popcorn

Presenter Luciana Gimenez suffered an accident on Saturday (January 7) while skiing in Aspen, Colorado. She had to undergo emergency surgery after breaking four separate locations on her left leg two fractures in the tibia between the knee and ankle and a fibula fracture in two other locations.

The result was presented to followers in a photo of her immobilized left knee taken at the hospital in the US, where she is still hospitalized. See below.

According to the medical journal, the “Superpop” presenter went to eat alone again and, with the help of the nurses, managed to sit on the sofa in the room for two hours. She also took the opportunity to call her mother to reassure her after the accident.

Despite the discharge prognosis communicated to her on Instagram, this Monday (09/01) she is still in the hospital, being treated for severe pain and under medical supervision.


Photo: Reproduction / Modern Popcorn

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