General convicted of sexual abuse, loses salary but avoids jail

“I think the military judge here has sent a message that she actually takes this seriously,” Mr Conway told the newspaper. “It could certainly have implications for his retirement if he were to retire.”

The victim – who did not want her name used but consented to disclosure of her family relationship with General Cooley – said in a statement after the verdict that “the price of peace in my extended family was my silence, and that was too.” high a price to pay.”

“Doing the right thing, speaking up, speaking the truth, shouldn’t be that hard,” she said. “Hopefully it won’t be that difficult for the next survivor.”

Ryan Guilds, an attorney for the woman, said many changes over the past decade have made it less daunting for victims of military sexual misconduct to come forward. These changes include policy developments to better support prosecutors, greater sensitivity by military leaders to sexual assault, improved procedural protections for victims, and prosecutors more likely to believe survivors.

General Cooley’s conviction “is certainly a sign of hope,” said Mr. Guilds. “However, the reality is that any survivor who decides to come forward and make that bold decision will face a justice system that will be very challenging.”

He added, “In this case, it took her years to get where she is today and I wouldn’t wish that journey on anyone.”

After an evening barbecue in Albuquerque on Aug. 12, 2018, Gen. Cooley, who was intoxicated, asked the woman for a ride, she told the court, according to the Air Force.