A man arrested for dealing in arms in a secret workshop in Robert Martinique la 1ère Outre mer la 1ère

A 33-year-old man, a resident of Robert, is charged with arms trafficking and jailed. Ammunition and weapons are confiscated.

Due to the high prevalence of firearms in Martinique, the judicial authorities welcome the results of a recent investigation.

The gendarmes of the escort from Trinidad, using the antenna of the GIGN, proceeded to arrest a 33-year-old man at his parents’ home in Robert on Thursday, April 21, 2022.

confiscation of weapons

confiscation of weapons and ammunition. • ©National Gendarmerie

On site, they discovered in his room, a workshop where he had (for ten years) converted automatic pistols into Category B (dangerous and permit-requiring) weapons.

The investigation revealed that the suspect was supplied (at a lower price) via the internet or in specialty stores and then resold these transformed weapons at much higher prices.

“30 category B weapons and more than a hundred ammunition confiscated,” the police said on their Facebook page.

Some of his weapons ended up in the criminal world, investigators particularly note. With these facts in mind, the Fort-de-France prosecutor’s office is launching a judicial investigation to follow up and confuse other unscrupulous buyers.

The suspect, who was arrested, taken into police custody and then charged, is being held in custody at Ducos Detention Center.