A train carrying 173 people derailed in Florida

A train carrying 173 passengers derailed in Lakeland, Fla. on Friday night after a semi-trailer collided with cars, slightly injuring eight people.

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The train also carried more than 6,000 liters of oil, forcing the complete evacuation of all passengers, reports CNN.

In addition, this part of the machine came into contact with the vehicle first.

“The train headed east from Miami, then stopped in Tampa before heading back to New York,” Lakeland Fire Chief Jason Bugsby said. There were 173 people on board, including 163 passengers and 10 crew members. 8 slightly injured people were transported to a hospital.

The other passengers were transported to Tampa where they spent the night.

According to the preliminary investigation by the Polk County Sheriff’s Office, the truck’s trailer would have become stuck on the rails, causing the accident.

“It’s a miracle no one was seriously injured in this incident,” said Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd.

Damage caused by this collision is estimated at $6 million to $10 million.