About 15% of the French are willing to pay more for their plane ticket to offset the carbon footprint

Environment – In 2022, 42% of French people will have considered the environmental impact when planning their trips, according to a survey.

Air transport is regularly highlighted for its carbon footprint and French travelers seem to be starting to take that into account, according to a survey conducted by specialist website VoyagesPirates and transmitted by GEO.

In 2022, 42% of respondents said they had considered environmental impacts when planning their trip. 27% preferred the train to the plane. 15% of respondents also said they would be willing to pay more for their ticket in 2023 to offset their carbon footprint.

Direct connections abroad to expand the railway

Of the 58% of French travelers who did not consider the environmental variable for their trip this year, 38% felt it was not a priority. Just over a third said they had not found clear information on the subject and 29% gave financial reasons.

In 2023, 60% of respondents plan to consider the environmental factor when booking. 45% of respondents intend to take the train over the plane. You have to be able to do that abroad. The rail network between countries is often limited and there are many intermediate stops. If there were more direct connections, 78% of those surveyed would choose the train and (…) Read more in 20 minutes

VIDEO – A Frenchman parks a fighter plane in front of his door

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