According to a survey, only 30% of Brazilians trust the armed forces

A study by the Ipsos institute shows that the trust index in the military in Brazil is one of the lowest in the world

Brazil is one of the least trusted countries in the armed forces, with only 30% of the population believing in the military, according to the 2022 edition of the Ipsos Institute’s Global Reliability Survey.

According to the study published by the Folha de S. Paulo newspaper, Brazil ranks second behind South Koreans (25%), South Africans (28%) and Colombians (29%). The country also shares its place in the ranking with Poland, which records the same index.

Brazilians’ sense of trust in the military is 11 percentage points below the global average. In addition, the study recorded a 5 point drop in trust in the armed forces from 2021 to 2022.

Politicians, government ministers and bankers also had low trustworthiness. Of those surveyed, 76% said they did not trust politicians, while 64% and 53% respectively did not trust ministers and bankers.

The investigation comes at a time of tension between civil society and President Jair Bolsonaro’s (PL) criticism of Brazil’s electoral system.

Bankers, businessmen, artists and members of the judiciary and public ministry signed the Manifesto in Defense of Democracy organized by the USP Law School (University of São Paulo), defending electronic voting and criticizing “unfounded attacks” on the elections.

The document concludes that there is no longer room in Brazil for “authoritarian backsliding” and that solving “the immense challenges facing Brazilian society necessarily requires respect for election results.”


In addition to Brazil, the survey, conducted from May to June 2022, surveyed citizens from 27 other countries, namely: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, India. Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and USA.

Of the 21,515 citizens surveyed worldwide, 1,000 were Brazilian. The margin of error for Brazil is 3.5 percentage points.

O power 360 contacted the Ipsos Institute for disclosure of all research, but received no reply as of the publication of this text.