Vanessa Lopes will appear on Globo this Sunday (18), a month after she quit BBB 24. The TikTok influencer has no longer been present on social media since her exit from the reality show and has only had medical reports published by responsible specialists. She told Fantástico that she had been diagnosed with an acute psychotic illness.
Camarote will reveal details of what led to his withdrawal from BBB 24 in this week's issue of Globo's electronic magazine. Before she left the program, Vanessa was showing worrying neurological symptoms, say experts who helped her.
“According to my psychiatrist, I had an acute psychotic state, which is as if my mind had broken with reality,” she explained in an excerpt from the interview published by Globo no X (formerly Twitter).
Psychotic disorders are generally caused in patients who are under extreme stress. The WHO (World Health Organization) points out that there are different aspects of these disorders, with schizophrenia being the most common.
Hallucinations, delusions, or disturbances of manifest perception may occur, which may change from one day to the next or even at the same time. This happens when the mental state experiences a gradual loss of reality.
Vanessa Lopes health report
Vanessa Lopes made her first public appearance after BBB 24 on the 30th at a restaurant in Ilhabela, on the São Paulo coast. She was with her mother Lica Lopes and her sister.
Alisson Ramalho, the influencer's father, provided information about the heiress' health on social media. On the 5th of this month, the entrepreneur published her last medical report. The document is signed by psychiatrist Antônio Geraldo da Silva. Read the report below:
“The patient Vanessa Lopes Ramalho remains under psychiatric treatment [psicofarmacoterapia e psicoterapia] with daily assessment, under my care, at home, with 24 hour supervision. The patient has made excellent progress so far, we have already indicated a gradual return to social activities and a subsequent return to professional activities.
Due to the current situation, she has an excellent prognosis.
During this time of return to social activity, we want to reinforce the need for public support, privacy and empathy for the situation she presents.”