The sneak previews of the episode of Un Altro Domani, broadcast on Canale 5 on July 1, 2023, show that in the past, Carmen continues to keep Victor at bay while Francisco takes courage and competes with Ventura. In the present, Mario blackmails Leo the truth when Julia confides in Elena that she is increasingly attracted to him…
In the’Consequence From Another morning From Saturday 1st July 2023, Mario lasts Lion frontal. The latter, under pressure, admits to being the journalist about whom the articles were written Julia and the inhabitants of the country. In Rio Muni, on the other hand ines confide in carmen to worry winner and asks her for help. However, she is still angry with him. In the meantime, Cyrus He finds that some notes for his review ended up in the Villanueva, which in any case he still doesn’t want to talk to him about. Later, in Robledillo, Mario lend a hand Eric we prepare for the marathon. Olga She tells her son that she used to have a passion for athletics and that seems to bring them closer together. In the meantime, Sebas it claims so Lion write a book about it Juliaotherwise he will tell her the truth about him; Lion he does not want to give in to the blackmail. In Rio Muni, on the other hand Francisco decides to run for president of the entrepreneurs’ club to make life difficult for him Ventura. In fact, no one had dared to oppose man until then. Thereafter, Julia is more and more accepted Lion and confide in it Elena. In the meantime, chloe she feels torn: she is disappointed by Daniel, who has kept his true nature hidden from her for so long, but knows his friend needs her now more than ever. In Rio Muni, on the other hand carmen keeps distance from winnerwho, to his surprise, starts working in the bookstore ines. In the meantime, Ventura discovers that Francisco competes with him for the presidency of the Entrepreneurs’ Club and is ready to crush him … But let’s find out together what they reveal in detail progress of the bet which is broadcast Morning at … o’clock 4:10 p.m At channel 5.
Mario corners Leo in the July Fools’ Advancement episode
Mario He confided in Tirso: She can’t trust Leo, because it is certain that he is hiding something. As, The man takes on the psychologist head-on, and starts pressuring him with his “interrogation”. Finally, Leo relents and admits he’s the reporter who wrote the infamous articles about Julia and the other villagers. In Rio Muni, on the other hand Ines reveals to Carmen that she is worried about Victorand asks her for help; however, the girl is still too bitter from his submissive attitude towards Ventura to please the bookseller. In the meantime, Cyrus he is aware of that some of his notes they are done among Villanueva’s documentswhich He doesn’t know anything about his exam. However, the employee has the opportunity to talk to him about it he does not feel like it.
Another preview tomorrow: Francisco vs. Ventura!
Francisco made a bold decision: He will run for President of the Entrepreneurs’ Club. In fact, no one had dared to take such a step since Nobody had ever dared to challenge him open Ventura. Apparently the adventurer’s father wants to fight him. Meanwhile, in Robledillo, Mario helps out Eric to prepare for the marathon. Shortly thereafter the latter Talk to Olga about passion what this one had for athleticsand between the two there seems to be a surprising approach. In the meantime, Sebas threatens Leo: If he doesn’t write a book about Julia, he will tell her that he was the author of the articles that made her life so difficult. However, Leo has no intention of giving in to the blackmail.
Chloe is torn in the previews of the July 1st episode
Julia chats with Elena: And increasingly taken with Leo. In fact, the shopkeeper doesn’t know who the psychologist really is and is unconcernedly enjoying his company for the moment. In the meantime, chloe it feels fought. The young he doesn’t know how to behave towards Dani, who has let her down and lied to her all along but now needs her support more than ever. In Rio Muni, on the other hand Carmen keeps her distance from Victor, who has meanwhile decided to work with Ines in the bookshop. The girl is quite surprised when she hears the news. In the meantime, Ventura learns that Francisco has ambitions for the presidency of the circle of entrepreneurs, it is said ready to make life difficult for him…
Another morningthe Spanish soap opera, is broadcast daily 4:10 p.m At channel 5.