Argentine court suspends Milei's labor reform

The court order remains in effect “until a final decision is made on the underlying matter.”

>Argentine court suspends Milei39s labor reform

Protest against the government of Javier Milei on December 27, 2023 in Buenos Aires. Photo: Luis Robayo/AFP

This Wednesday, the Argentine court suspended part of the megadecree issued in December by President Javier Milei. The decision in practice reverses a labor reform implemented by the ultraright.

The General Confederation of Labor, the country's main trade union federation, took legal action against Chapter 4 of the decree.

The court order issued as a precaution applies “until a final decision is made on the fundamental question raised in the proceedings”. The decision came from the National Labor Appeals Chamber.

The aspects of the decree most criticized by the CGT include the extension of the probationary period to eight months, the inclusion of roadblocks as grounds for dismissal and changes to the remuneration system.

According to the megadecree, “participation in blockades or seizures of establishments constitutes a serious labor violation.”

One of the judges who voted to suspend the reform, Alejandro Sudera, argued that according to the decree's deliberations, “the 'necessity' to adopt so many measures is not objectively obvious.”

“What is certain and legally relevant is that the alleged 'urgency reasons' for avoiding proper intervention by the legislative power in substantive legislation would not be foreseeable.”

Despite the decision, the CGT has not yet given up its decision to launch a general strike on January 24th.

Read the full text of Javier Milei's megadecree (in Spanish):


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