Attack on the Iranian 007, raids in Syria, US movements: high tension on the external front of the crisis…

by Guido Olimpio

The secret service agent’s name is Mohammed Akiki. The Iranians have reportedly told the United States that they are willing to join the conflict if the Israelis continue their bombing of the Gaza Strip. It can be a bluff, but also a way to prepare the ground

Lightning on the external front of the crisis in Gaza. Israel has attacked Aleppo airport in Syria again. Second attack in a few hours, presumably to neutralize a lot of weapons coming from Iran and intended for friendly militias.

However, a member of the armed forces was reported to have been injured in an attack in Tehran. All flashes on the external front of the crisis in Gaza. The most mysterious episode in the capital of the Islamic Republic, in which Mohammed Akiki, a high-ranking officer of the Pasdaran spy apparatus, was the victim of an ambush and is now said to be in intensive care. The case is reminiscent of other operations that claimed the lives of leaders, scientists and regime officials. Among them are figures involved in the development of strategic systems, including the father of the nuclear program Mohsen Fakrizadeh.

Murders attributed to the Mossad and a series of sabotages were supported by internal accomplices and members of opposition groups. At the moment there aren’t too many details, we don’t know the matrix, we’re in the traditional gray area where anything is possible. Claim, deny, pretend nothing happened, deceive.

The period of high tension was confirmed by the Israeli raid on the Syrian airport, the latest event in a very long campaign of dozens of raids. Local sources speak of some injuries from the explosions in the stands and between the hangars. Similar situation as in the past few hours at Damascus airport, another terminal for possible traffic.

Over the past two weeks, observers tracking traffic online have noticed several unusual flights of Syrian cargo from Iran heading to both Aleppo and Russia’s Kheimimin base, also in Syria. They may have transferred equipment for the local army, but it is not impossible that the recipients were other people.

Intelligence suspects Tehran has accelerated deliveries in case the Shiite and Palestinian factions need to intervene to support Hamas. At their disposal are missiles, drones and missiles developed by the Pasdaran and then donated to the militias, including the Lebanese Hezbollah, protagonists of a war of attrition with small attacks in the border area with Israel that provoked a reaction. In fact, the Ayatollahs have encircled the Jewish state by relying on local movements, a decision that allows them to turn them into instruments of attack under the label of resistance. Afghan volunteers also fall under this flag. The Wall Street Journal added a detail: Numerous Revolutionary Guards stationed in Syria had set up new positions in areas near the border to support the guerrillas from the “Golan” and “Southern Command” units.

The threat cannot be underestimated. The Iranians have reportedly told the United States that they are willing to join the conflict if the Israelis continue their bombing of the Gaza Strip. It can be a bluff, but also a way to prepare the ground. In fact, the Pentagon has been taking important countermeasures for days. In the eastern Mediterranean he comes across the task force from the aircraft carrier Ford, which is joined by the Eisenhower, which has just received the order to leave.

This results in a large number of fighters and other aircraft – F15, F16, A 10 – rapidly advancing into the region. And one of the facilities is in al Udei, Qatar, just a few kilometers from where Hamas leader Ismael Haniyeh met Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian yesterday. Geographical coincidence related to the “game” of the influential emirate: it finances and hosts the leaders of Hamas, conducts dialogues with the ayatollahs, acts as an intermediary with the White House and provides logistical support to the Pentagon on the Gulf routes. The large US device was integrated with the contribution of the British.

London has ordered the dispatch of two ships, stationed a reconnaissance aircraft and put a naval unit on alert. The reinforcements complement the activities of the British listening station in the Troodos Mountains in Cyprus, which is capable of receiving deep communications. The British also have the Akrotiri base on the island. The Allies have therefore responded to the missile coalition by mobilizing resources to engage enemies over a significant radius with fighter aircraft, keep watch with radar aircraft, patrol with drones and deploy intelligence. a clear message of support to the Israelis and a warning to possible attackers, whether states or organizations, as Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin specified. In the past, Americans have carried out limited strikes against pro-Iranian militants and, during the Trump administration, eliminated Gen. Qasem Soleimani in Baghdad, the major conspirator in the Middle East, from Iraq to Lebanon.

October 15, 2023 (modified October 15, 2023 | 4:07 p.m.)