Attention: You are saying Apple product names wrong

You have one iPhone, but I have two iPhones, right? Wrong, wrong and wrong again – at least that’s what Apple says.

According to Phil Schiller, Apple’s global marketing director, Apple product names should never be pluralized. That is, if you own two Macs, you should actually say, “I have two Mac computers.”

Schiller taught us our Apple grammar in a post on Twitter:

Related: iPhone SE review

Schiller clarified his statement with two more tweets:

But is he right? Well, Apple actually has its own style guide, which page 121 advises:

Trademark Product Names: Make trademark product names plural by adding the plural generic noun to the singular product name.
Correct: Mac computers, MacBook Pro computers, iMac computers
Incorrect: Macs, MacBook Pros, iMacs

So in Apple’s books, Schiller got it spot on. But we probably won’t be saying “I have three iPhone phones” or “You bought two iPad Pros” any time soon.

Check out our iPhone SE review:

Related: iPhone 8

Do you think Apple products should be exempt from the pluralizing “-s”? Let us know in the comments below.