“BBB 24 : Davi arrives in the circle and the brothers stand up: “Saddest Scene

It seems that the BBB 24 (Globo) contestants have really had enough David. Proof of this is that in the early hours of this Saturday, the 27th, the brother was sitting in the circle where the others were, and at the same moment almost all of his colleagues decided at the same time to get up and go to sleep.

Davi (Reproduction/Globo)

Davi (Reproduction/Globo)

Photo: Corn Novela

Yasmin Brunet It is Wanessa CamargoThe group that left the circle included those involved in some disagreements with the app driver. Giovanna, Raquel It is Michel they left too. Only Lucas Henrique stayed in place.

The scene had repercussions on social media and sparked criticism from those present.

“It was the saddest, ugliest scene I've ever seen on a reality show,” said one;

“And here they presented him with the prize once and for all!” said another.


Black people don't walk with their heads down, they walk with their heads up. WE ARE WITH YOU, DAVI! Fire on the racists! ✊🏾


— Jonas Di Andrade (@jonasdiandrade)

January 27, 2024