October 26, 2023, 8:38 p.m
The four tenants join Valentina, who was sent to televote in the last episode
“Big Brother”, the pictures from the 14th episode
Fourteenth appointment with “Big Brother“. After the meeting between Mirko and Greta from the last episode, pearl He sends his ex a video and is touched. Between Beatrice and Massimiliano The least elected candidate, who, together with Valentina, risks elimination on Monday and will therefore go to televoting, is Varrese. Joy Instead, she receives a surprise from her friend Andrea: a letter that she doesn’t like. They also end up in nominations Greece, Beatrice and Giuseppe. Who will be saved?
Massimiliano and Heidi, the images of the night After Grecia Colmenares’ allegations against Massimiliano Varrese, who allegedly put Heidi under pressure and hugged her in bed at night, the unpublished pictures that were never broadcast are shown. In fact, the offending event occurred at 3.30am, while at 2am the live cameras were turned off and turned back on in the morning. “Greece has put the intentions on trial, this is slander,” attacks Massimiliano. “He attacked her and she didn’t want to,” intervenes Grecia. However, the pictures speak clearly: Massimiliano was not pushy, but played with Heidi, who pushed him away but had an ambivalent attitude. “That’s not the scene,” Grecia says. “It is the only thing,” affirms Alfonso Signorini. “I didn’t see any oppression,” intervenes Giampiero Mughini. While Cesara Buonamici thinks like Signorini: “It was always a question of no.” “Heidi confessed to me, I saw a duet, it was a game,” explains singer Fiordaliso.
Beatrice against everyone Clashes continue to occur between Beatrice and her companions, especially the women. In fact, the five women seem unable to build a relationship and change their minds about the competitor and vice versa. From the fallout from the nomination with Angelica to the tensions with Rosy, the mood is heated. The actress clashes with Jill Cooper: “She’s always listening, following you around the house to find you in the wrong, every word can be picked up and turned around,” she attacks. Then Giampiero Mughini intervenes and asks her to calm down. Everyone has the impression that Luzzi is acting to emphasize her strong character, which makes her more and more of a character.
Letizia, Paolo and their friend Andrea Paolo explained himself to Letizia, but at the same time informed her that he had decided to take a step back to respect her history outside the house. “Are you jealous,” Signorini asks him. “I can’t be jealous of someone who isn’t mine,” he replies. However, Letizia is clearly in crisis and crying. “Do you consider Paolo a friend?” Alfonso then asks Letizia. “He is the most important friend here,” he explains. Letizia receives a letter from her friend Andrea: “I have to digest what I have seen… I always told you to enjoy this adventure and to see it through to the end.” “I was expecting another letter,” replies Letizia , “I know what he felt. Here I talked about our problems, I didn’t do anything bad. I know him and this is his way of saying goodbye to me a week after ours.” I would have expected something different for our third anniversary together.
Face to face between Massimiliano and Beatrice Face to face between Massimiliano and Beatrice in the studio. Beatrice is the first to speak: “I told you two things, you are an individualist and a snake.” “On the contrary, I think of her, you bring me into play, maybe you have feelings for me…” Varrese replies. “I haven’t spoken badly about you in six weeks, even though you mentioned me,” the actress continues. “I haven’t thought about you for weeks and you only talk about me,” emphasizes Massimiliano.
The letter from Mirko, Greta and Perla I deleted a work message, it was nothing incriminating… Perla was one of the most important people in my life.” “Don’t think about the past. It’s all experience, you haven’t thrown anything away. You need everything to grow and become great. We have sown, and even when it is over, so much remains. I hope so, because when you’re doing well, it feels like I’ve achieved a goal. In spite of everything. I will be happy too. “You know,” reads the offensive message Perla posted on social media. Perla sends Mirko a video letter and is touched: “I was raised several times, I saw that you open your eyes, let yourself go, show who is six.” Don’t deny everything… everything that we have experienced. I feel sick when I think about the past. You were the love of my life, I will take you into myself.” “At some point I understood that it was over. Being together for five years doesn’t mean we necessarily have to be together, our relationship had become toxic. “… I will always carry it in my heart,” he replies.
Face to face between Giuseppe and Beatrice Face to face between Giuseppe and Beatrice after the unfortunate sentence of the Calabrian: “He’s a player, he doesn’t care about everyone, he doesn’t care about his children.” The barman tries in every possible way to apologize, but The actress doesn’t want to know anything about this: “I took a step back, there are no possible excuses, there is a lot of malice, I was sincere, I twisted my face and my family… I don’t want to talk about it anymore.
The nominations Cesara Buonamici’s immunes are Ciro and Vittorio. The house favorites: Alex, Fiordaliso, Anita, Rosy and Jill. Massimiliano and Valentina will already be taking part in the televoting on Monday. Obvious nominations: Massimiliano chooses Greece, Giuseppe chooses Greece, Angelica nominates Beatrice, Beatrice nominates Giuseppe, Letizia nominates Greece, Paolo nominates Beatrice, Grecia nominates Giuseppe, Mirko nominates Greece, Giselda nominates Greece, Mughini nominates Angelica by randomly drawing from the cards. Valentina mentions Greece. Secret nominations: Fiordaliso nominates Greece, Ciro nominates Beatrice, Anita nominates Beatrice, Jill nominates Greece. Alex nominates Giuseppe, Vittorio nominates Greece. Rosy calls Beatrice. Grecia, Beatrice and Giuseppe also end up in the nominations.
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