Brad Pitt: the serious illness he faces at the age of 60 SPORTS WORLD

This Monday, December 18th, Brad Pitt celebrates his 60th birthdaythat even though it doesn't appear physical, they left one behind major illness Call Prosopagnosiawhich he has been confronted with for 10 years.

Recall that last year the actor revealed to GQ magazine that he had something like this cognitive disorder. A condition that does not allow the sufferer's brain to process the information necessary to distinguish faces.

In this interview, Angelina Jolie's ex-husband explained that he has not yet received an official diagnosis, but spoke about the difficulties that living with the disease brings in dealing with social situations.

Brad Pitt suffers from a cognitive disorder

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Accordingly Brad Pittpeople think of him as self-centered and distracted, when in reality he is He has difficulty recognizing faces, especially those from people he has just met. “Nobody believes me,” he admitted, frustrated.

To avoid seeming rude, Pitt said he made the decision to limit his public appearances as much as possible because Meeting new people creates “a lot of anxiety”.

However, There is no medication or treatment This can reverse prosopagnosia, so those affected only have the option of training themselves and using a series of tricks to mitigate the negative consequences.

Brad Pitt may not recognize himself

In some cases the syndrome can lead to this don't recognize yourself, whether in the mirror or in photos. Patients remember people they know: family and friends, and they remember their faces, but when they see them, they don't recognize them.

On the other hand, the recognition of facial expressions is retained, so that one can recognize whether the face expresses happiness, sadness, anger or anger. They also recognize gender, age and race and even distinguish faces they find attractive from those they find less so.

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“To do this, they have to resort to signs such as: clothing, glasses, hair, facial features such as scars, shape of the nose, waiting for people to talk to them to recognize who they are by the characteristics of their voice. “of walking etc

They are able to recognize the elements that make up a face (eyes, nose, mouth) and can distinguish one face from another object and even one face within another,” says a Spanish study on prosopagnosia of a clinical patient.