“For Italy always… before and after September 8, 1943”, is the title of the 2024 military calendar. On this day, Italy's armistice with the Allies was announced, which led to an abrupt change of front towards the former Nazi ally. Germany. The Wehrmacht then occupied northern and central Italy and captured around 800,000 Italian soldiers.
Parts of the remaining Italian army offered armed resistance. The now isolated units suffered heavy losses, especially in the Balkans – thousands of Italian soldiers were killed. In other places, however, such as Sardinia, they managed to hold their ground. The units that participated in the Allied War of Liberation formed the basis of the new Italian army after the war.
“Tell me before and after”
Undersecretary of State for Defense, Isabella Rauti, from the post-fascist Fratelli d'Italia, gave impetus to the title of the calendar, wrote the newspaper “La Repubblica” on Thursday, and at the same time recalled that she is also the daughter of former radical right-wing politician Pino Rauti is. The calendar, which is also being advertised in numerous schools, is another step towards trivializing the darkest chapter in Italy's recent history, according to the newspaper.
Screenshot esercito.difesa.it The Italian Army promotes its new calendar on its website
“In commemoration of these tragic events (of the Second World War, please note) we wanted to pay tribute to the men who participated in them, with the firm conviction that they were serving their country and honoring the oath they swore. They sacrificed their lives for Italy”, wrote Chief of Staff General Pietro Serino in the preface to the calendar.
Twelve officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers were selected for the calendar – one for each month – who distinguished themselves particularly before September 8, 1943 and after until April 25, 1945 and received the gold medal for bravery, the highest military award in the Italy. it would have. “We wanted to tell a before and after,” says Serino. “Same men, same heroes. For Italy always!”
Opposition: “Revisionist Wind”
“It’s as if the German Bundeswehr were remembering the heroic deeds of the Wehrmacht 80 years later, because anyway it was about fighting for the homeland,” commented “La Repubblica”. Equating before and after means a “rehabilitation” of Benito Mussolini’s regime and an “amnesia regarding Italy’s historical responsibility”, said the deputy leader of the Left-Green Alliance group, Marco Grimaldi, indignantly.
Army calendars have been around since 1998. They were often dedicated to anniversaries, such as Italy's entry into World War I in 1915 in 2015 or the 1943 armistice in 2023. However, there is no anniversary for the 2024 calendar. of the pre- and post-fascist period was “arbitrary” and its purpose “obvious”, said Grimaldi.
“It cannot be ignored that a revisionist wind blows around the highest positions in the State and permeates all levels”, criticized Grimaldi and announced a parliamentary question on the content of the current military calendar. Because “it is not acceptable for history to be misused for these purposes”, said the opposition politician.