Chapel of Our Lady of Wisdom – Definition and Explanations –


Chapel of Our Lady of Wisdom
General view of the building
48° 50′ 08.5″ North
2° 22′ 24.5″ East / 48.835694, 2.373472
regionIle de France
DepartmentParis (Paris is a French city, capital of France and capital of the region…)
CityParis, 13
worshipRoman Catholic
Attached toParish of Notre-Dame de la Gare (A train station is usually a place where trains stop. A train station includes various facilities that…), Archdiocese of Paris
end of works2000
architect(s)Pierre Louis Faloci

There Chapel of Our Lady of Wisdom is a church (The church can be:) in the 13th arrondissement of Paris, located in the Rue (La rue is a traffic space in the city used for housing and squares…) Abel-Gance and Place Jean-Vilar, in the Rive Gauche district.


It was designed by Pierre-Louis Faloci and completed in 2000. It is the last church built in France in the 20th century. The consecration took place on September 16, 2000 by Jean-Marie Funeral.

It contrasts with the surrounding buildings by the red (the color red responds to different definitions depending on the color system used…) of its bricks and by the public garden it overlooks, the James Joyce Garden, which nevertheless at the same time (time is a man-made concept that needs to be understood…) creates a coherence with the park (a park is an enclosed natural area,[1] composed of woods or meadows in which…) Interior of the nearby François Mitterrand Library.

Its interior pays homage to the Notre-Dame-du-Haut de Ronchamp chapel (the Notre-Dame-du-Haut chapel built on the Bourlémont hill in Ronchamp in…) designed by Le Corbusier (Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris, born October 6, 1887 in La Chaux-de-Fonds,…).