According to a report, the church in Paraguay called for a fairer distribution of land. Meanwhile, in Ecuador and Colombia, the bishops are calling for action to be taken against the increase in violence.
According to a report, the church in Paraguay called for a fairer distribution of land. Large estates should not be in the hands of a few people, while the vast majority are denied the dream of a decent life on legally secured land, according to a statement distributed over the weekend, according to Kathpress. Meanwhile, churches in Ecuador and Colombia are demanding measures against violence from responsible state institutions.
According to the website “El Nacional”, a sustained evacuation of indigenous communities cannot continue in this way, according to the appeal made on the sidelines of the general assembly of bishops presided over by Cardinal Adalberto Martinez Flores in the capital of Paraguay, AsunciĆ³n. One must ask why some forces can always turn to the state apparatus, but the “cry of innocent people for justice” is never heard.
Bishops call for action against violence
Meanwhile, in Ecuador and Colombia, in the face of rampant violence and crime, the bishops called for a turnaround and demanded action from state institutions. Those responsible are invited to take cognizance of the damage caused to thousands of people, according to a weekend statement from the Episcopal Conference of Ecuador, quoted by the newspaper “El Comercio”.
Neither power nor money satisfied their real needs. Parliamentarians and the government must also work together to end the violence. In Ecuador, there have been violent fights between rival gangs in prisons in recent months, with dozens of people dead. Violence in cities also increased, regional states of emergency were declared.
Murder of father and daughter by assassins
The Archbishop of the Colombian port city of Cartagena, Francisco Javier Munera Correa, has called on responsible authorities to end the violence following the murder of a father and his ten-year-old daughter by alleged assassins. The victims put a face to the “uncertainty that our people are going through right now,” he said.
According to local media reports, the father picked up his three daughters from school last week and was shot by unknown people at a traffic light. A daughter sitting in the passenger seat did not survive her injuries.
Colombia’s new leftist government under Gustavo Petro wants to combat violence in the country. A concept titled “Complete Peace” envisions conversations and negotiations with armed gangs and is expected to begin in the coming weeks.