Ciao Darwin (recorded months ago) quotes Barbara D’Urso on Pomeriggio Cinque. But the error is fixed
Neither Paolo Bonolis, and a program that plays with predictions about the man of the future could have predicted it. The farewell to Barbara D’Uso To MediasetAfter all, for many it was a bolt from the blue. And so they were obviously forced to intervene Hello Darwinrecorded last spring, for a sentence uttered during the second episode, broadcast tonight on Canale 5, in reference to the former presenter of Fifth afternoon.
During a comedy sketch with Luca Laurentiwhere former participant of the show Emilio Contaldo also spoke, Bonolis exclaimed:
“Mrs. D’Urso had Ilaria Dalle Palle (the journalist correspondent of Pomeriggio Cinque, ndDM) and he put it between my balls.”
A few seconds in which the audience noticed a sudden change of scene as well as a sound overlap. The phrase was probably uttered by Paolo Bonolis in the present tense. On the other hand, the presenter certainly could not have known that during the broadcast of Ciao Darwin, the moderation of Afternoon Five would have passed into the hands of Myrta Merlino some time ago. In this case, “being ahead of the curve” was a cruel joke in Mediaset’s flagship program.