Comerciantes Unidos: Trujillo, Cutervo or Cajabamba, where does the team that was promoted to the first division play?

Comerciantes Unidos Trujillo Cutervo or Cajabamba where does the team

The Comerciantes Unidos de Cutervo club has recently been promoted to the 1st Division and is looking for a stadium that has the approval of the Peruvian Football Federation (FPF) to host its home games. In a statement days ago, he explained that in Cajamarca, the region to which he belongs, there is no sports facility licensed for first division matches. What is known about the topic?

Could Comerciantes Unidos play at the Mansiche Stadium in Trujillo?

In a communication with Comerciantes Unidos, the club ruled out playing for Mansiche. More precisely, at the end of November, through their official networks, they declared their interest in playing for the Trujillo giants and that they had even sent a document to the IPD of that city to submit the request. These measures began because there are no stadiums in Cajamarca that have the appropriate FPF licenses and meet the strict standards, as they explained.

However, the Peruvian Football Association pointed out that this application was inadmissible.

Cutervo or Cajabamba: where will Comerciantes Unidos play?

According to the sports manager of the Cajamarca club, Wilmer Quiroz, they are considering the Juan Maldonado Gamarra stadium as their first alternative. In this context, he emphasized that it is hoped that the work on the lawn will be completed in January 2024. In addition, he explained that before the removal of the turf, a delegation from the FPF visited the said facility to give them some pointers and correct the observations he made at the time.

Alternatively, however, they consider the stadium of the provincial municipality of Cajabamba. According to Quiroz, a few days ago, representatives of the FPF arrived at the said sports venue to inspect it and found that it was conducive to hosting professional league matches. “Of course some improvements need to be made. He has a positive opinion, some observations need to be overcome,” he said.