Cult leader accused of having 20 wives, many of them underage, including his daughter

Samuel Rappylee Bateman, the leader of a polygamous cult between Utah and Arizona, has been accused of marrying more than 20 women, most under the age of 12, including his own daughter, according to an FBI affidavit.

The 46-year-old, who describes himself as a “prophet”, was arrested on August 28, 2022 for Driving a trailer “full of people, including children”. However, he was released. He was subsequently arrested weeks later when the FBI searched both of his Colorado City homes on September 13 looking for him Evidence of underage marriages or sexual relations between adults and children.

Samuel Bateman’s family and supporters after he was arrested in Arizona in September. Photo: Trent Nelson/The Salt Lake Tribune via AP

Since then, Bateman has been in an Arizona prison faces triple child abuse related to the girls riding in the trailer. He is also accused of sex trafficking with minors.

According to the affidavit filed in Washington and obtained by the Salt Lake Tribune newspaper, the FBI has reasonable grounds to believe that the individual and others transported minors between Arizona, Utah, Nevada and Nebraska for sexual exploitation between May 2020 and November 2020. 2021

Bateman, who is also charged with destruction or attempted destruction of records and tampering with criminal proceedings, was allegedly a member of the fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. a Mormon group from the United States.