Cursed Derek scene in Grey’s Anatomy that made us all haters – Startefacts

Not everything should be tolerated in a relationship.

Someone should have told Meredith from Grey’s Anatomy that when she was in love with Derek. Because it just hurts too much to accept so much nonsense from someone you care about.

Meredith and Derek have had their ups and downs throughout their time on the show together. Every fan remembers the heartbreaking “Choose me, choose me, love me” scene where Meredith seemed to be at her lowest point.

But it turns out there’s another scene that still has fans wondering if Derek was really her true love and if he even deserved her.

Season 5 wasn’t easy for Derek and was probably his darkest time on the series. He was very depressed after losing a pregnant patient during a trial and also realized that his victim count was too high. He started missing work and even missed a surgery with the boss. And after that, Chief asked Meredith to speak to Derek.

And to convince her, he whispered to her that Derek was planning to propose. So she found Derek drunk in his trailer and accused him of hiding. But instead he just said that he wouldn’t hide – he would give up.

He then said that she should understand since she “wrote the book on quitting, running and hiding.” When she revealed that she knew about the ring, Derek took her engagement ring and beat it out into the woods with a baseball bat.

“I absolutely hated Derek in that scene. Yes, he went through a lot and got a little selfish and angry at times, but he was downright cruel to Meredith. And it wasn’t her fault at all. When Meredith was going through a lot, he didn’t even try to be there for her, but she was there for him and he cruelly insulted her and accused her of not being able to commit,” said Reddit user Consistent- Length921.

It’s hard to do your best when you’re feeling down, but intentionally hurting the people you love is just another level of cruelty. Nobody deserves such an attitude.

In the end, though, Derek finally got his act together and we got our happy couple back… because that’s what happy couples do, right?