Do Cubans with residency need a visa to travel to Mexico? Cuban directory

Many Cubans with Spanish documents wonder whether they can travel to Mexico without a visa. In this article we will tell you everything you need to know about the topic.

In this context, the National Migration Institute points out that those who:

  • A document proving permanent residence in Canada, the United States of America, Japan, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, one of the countries of the Schengen area, as well as in the member countries of the Pacific Alliance (Chile, Colombia and Peru).
  • A valid and current visa from Canada, the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or one of the countries that make up the Schengen area.

As you already know, Spain is part of the European Union and Cubans who have Spanish nationality and therefore a Spanish passport will have no problems traveling to Mexico. But what about the residents?

The Mexican Embassy in Spain indicates that for a stay in Mexico of less than 180 days and without financial compensation, a visa may or may not be required depending on the residence card.


Reports indicate that the back of residence cards must clearly state “PERMANENT” or “LONG TERM,” as in the example below.

On the contrary, if Cubans have this other type of card, they need a visa to travel to Mexico.

In general, all Cubans who do not fall into the above categories require a visa to enter Mexico.

In addition, from October 22, 2023, nationals of countries that require a visa to enter Mexican territory and wish to travel through Mexico’s international airports must have a visitor visa without permission to engage in paid activities, regardless of the duration of your stay Airport transit stops.