Drusilla, I enter houses with the grace of the almanac Tv

The most elegant of all the red carpets of the year, the most ironic but “within the limits of grace”, she doesn’t ask who she likes and walks straight towards a future as a singer, but joyfully applauds whoever tells her that As it is, classic and vintage, Drusilla Foer would see it very well in a reissue of the legendary Milleluci. “What joy! Milleluci with other programs from those years, perhaps with Sandra Mondaini and Raimondo Vianello, where all the great artistic personalities passed – from Totò to De Sica to Sandra Milo – it was a world full of artistry to which I do not claim any to compare myself, but that tension is in me.” In the meantime, it returns with an equally old TV starting December 12th Monday-Friday on Rai2 in the early evening slot before Rg2 with Drusilla and the following day’s almanacco.

“The almanac was a pleasure that lasted seven minutes – he explains in an interview with ANSA – short and instantaneous in an Italy that was perhaps less suitable for television. Now that television is full of requests, the almanac becomes a relaxing moment half an hour to be aware that something good happened the next day or something that left a negative mark on history in the hope that it can run better”. Even for a child audience “the program is a beautiful thing, with a grandmother supported by a grown and informed staff lucky enough to have all the freedom. I can talk about important topics in a conversational, role-integrated format. I have a microphone and a piano in the studio, I have a hard time shutting up. Will Topo Gigio still be there? “It’s going to be a little less, he has millions of followers around the world and he’s going to be busy. There will be a new column in which young people will tell us about the tools of our politics in short videos: what is parliament, what is it? It is great giants who guide us. Then there is the cultural moment associated with literature. For example, we will talk about Futurism and Marinetti, also with the art pills of our art influencer. And then “there will be saints: I like them. We have always celebrated those who have brought something to humanity, but we also want to commemorate those who have done something against humanity, such as those who wrote the racial laws “.

Coming back to Milleluci, he would do it “with Vanoni, who is very nice to me between kisses and arguments, or with Nada, who is so upright and strict, with someone who is shy and doesn’t show very many young people on TV , there are many I like . Marco Mengoni, for example. I’m a nag on TV, I complain about everything, but I’ve been given enormous freedom to express my unconventional character, a sign of great civilisation.” A character also of enormous elegance and irony. “Elegance is a factor I attract I don’t consider looks, I’m good looking, I’m tall, I have white hair. Elegance for me is the effect and not the cause of thinking. I prefer to talk about politeness, this Robina who knocks and asks “disturb”? It seems to me an act befitting a nation emerging from such a painful time with war on its doorstep. We try to be friendly. So for me the limit of irony is insult for its own sake. I don’t feel like being mocked. For example, if I see an old photo of me, I would never say “I look like Montalcini” because she is a beautiful woman and has done so much that I don’t want to mock her for a joke. I stop where the joke is useless and offensive, because the obvious is a cunning shortcut.” A literate TV: “Was there ever any aggressiveness or embarrassment in Milleluci? Every day we see programs that deal with difficult issues in harsh language, where everyone takes their hats off to the pain of the other. The same goes for politics when a country is in trouble, to show how good you are, not to solve the problem.” As a woman, have you ever been discriminated against? “As an artist, as a human subject who produces entertainment, I have sometimes experienced suffering in the theater of distrust. But San Remo made me clear as a character for everyone. I take my job very seriously and think a lot about my achievements. After all, I am a complex character and you can imagine Italy today as tending backwards.”

What do you think of the current political framework? “If Satan were running our country I would invite everyone to take to the streets, but I don’t think Mrs Meloni, perhaps the first Italian politician with great charisma, is Satan, so let’s look at her work and judge das. Then c “It distracts from social issues and I don’t like that. We are one of the countries in Europe that is the furthest behind in terms of LGBT rights and I hope that our gentlemen there will address ecology in their rooms, which is an urgency and people’s rights”. Let’s see you this year in Sanremo? “Maybe it’s better to take a break after last year but I’m working on a nice record, let’s release the record, if they call me to sing I’ll be happy.” In short, there Is there music in your future? “I have two film participations that are very close to my heart, then I’ll be going to the theater again next summer and in autumn 2023 the album will be released, which will be followed by a small musical tour, finally in the theater with Venus, the enemy … and here we are at 2025 …”. So says Drusilla, who currently wants to make her concrete contribution to those who work in non-profit organizations: “Those who are exposing themselves for something that needs to be talked about, I would now, I confess, like to take care of it.” , I am working on it. It’s not just pure donations, I want to put my hands where I want to get out of myself.”