Eduardo Romay reveals he left India over indiscipline allegations: They wanted me for Tiktoker

Eduardo Romay reveals he left India over indiscipline allegations They

The Peruvian volleyball player explained the reasons for his departure from the Asian country and denied his club’s comments about alleged disrespect. He even criticized the organization of the tournament, saying that foreigners were treated like clowns.

He broke his silence. After splitting from the Indian Volleyball League’s Kochi Blue Spikers, Edward Romay He was accused by his club of committing indiscipline and disregarding the country’s culture. Faced with this scenario, the captain of the Peru team contradicted these statements and explained how complicated his stay had been. Among his main questions, he highlighted the treatment of foreign players and the mismanagement of the leadership.

At first the player was surprised because they offered him the captaincy. However, what struck him most was that the coach himself had no idea about the game and went to him and another foreigner (a Brazilian). Although the strategist was open-minded in the talks, at the time of the games The Inca athlete mentioned that DT ignored him and had him on the bench without giving him any arguments.

“If that’s the way it should be, I’ll get a ticket to Peru tomorrow. They brought me here to clown me, they do that in the Indian league. All foreigners are ‘chichitas’ so they take us with photos and let’s not gamble I think when you win a prize (each worth $14,000) the locals play with their friends so they can win the money and they don’t want the foreigner to do that I took him with me (…). They wanted the Brazilian and I to dance and fool around all the time. I tell them that the personality I have on TikTok and on the pitch is different. It’s not about that , being a clown 24 hours a day hours or being serious all the time,” he revealed on his social media.

When he complained to the manager about the situation with his teammates and the discomfort, the institution accused him of not meeting “team standards”. They even accused him of bad leadership for not going to religious activities.

“I had to be a manager, a fitness trainer, a coach and a player. They blamed me for the responsibilities they had. The game is coming and they don’t put me in the second set, it’s like they’re looking for someone to throw all the crap out of what they happened in the country (…). They issued press releases saying I was undisciplined and disrespecting Indian culture,” he said.

Romay noted that following these statements he spoke to the club and They had to publish another report correcting themselves. Likewise, he regretted the comments of some users asking to remove the captain of the Bicolor and asked that they stop comparing their personal life to sport life.