Eliezer and Natalia trade barbs on social media: ‘If regrets could kill’

Eliezer and Natalia exchange pins on Twitter Reproduction / Instagram

Eliezer and Natália exchange pins on TwitterReproduction / Instagram

Published on 05/22/2022 21:16 | Updated on 05/22/2022 21:41

São Paulo Eliezer do Carmo Neto, aka Eli, and Natália Deodato, from the cast of ‘BBB 22’, provoked each other on Twitter on Sunday night (22). The two spoke about regrets and implied they were referring to the relationship they had inside the reality show.

“If regret could kill, we’d all be buried dead, right?” Eliezer wrote on the social network. The exbrother took a reply from the exsister. “Absolutely. In fact, we’re living proof of that,” he snapped.

After being released from custody, they both stated that there was no chance the two would continue their relationship outside the home. They both made that very clear in the traditional interview with Ana Maria Braga, which was always broadcast the day after they left.

Absolutely. In fact, we are living proof of that! lol

— Natalia Deodato (@nataliadeodato) May 22, 2022

“Everything is very intense there. It’s a very closed view of the outside world. There, like it or not, he was the only person I needed to have more affection for to talk better. Passion. Passion is one very strong word,” Natália said at the time.

Eliezer said the same thing in his interview: “Everything is very intense in the house and there he was the only person I had to take care of. Passion is a very strong word. It’s something I want to bring forth.”

Exsister reacted to Laís and Gustavo

Natália also took the opportunity to give Laís Caldas and Gustavo Marsengo a chance. In an interview with Youtuber Matheus Mazzafera, the couple revealed which of the brothers and sisters will be invited to a dinner. They gave Arthur Aguiar and Naiara Azevedo a negative answer and Natália a “maybe”.

“I don’t want to have dinner at anyone’s place, I want to have dinner at my place, I’m going to take you to dinner. It’s because there’s a pull from that dinner thing. Did you see? I have food at my house just so you know,” Natalia said.