João Guilherme Silva, son of Faustão, took over the program that belonged to his father after he left the band in May. The heir attended Faustão na Band alongside Fausto Silva and felt pressured for having to share the space with the veteran.
João Guilherme announced on Friday (07/14) in an interview with the PodDelas podcast that he was relieved at the departure of the attraction’s owner. He has since hosted the primetime program with Anne Lottermann, who also took part in the attraction at Grupo Bandeirantes.
“Was there a difference when you first performed with your father and then without your father? From the moment he left and you moved on?” host Boo asked Uzueta.
“After that I was calmer [da saída de Faustão]. I relaxed! Because with him there… I’m someone who admires him a lot, a huge fan, and I don’t think I’d ever want to make a mistake in front of him. There’s a son thing like, ‘I want to make my dad proud,'” the heir admitted.
“From the moment he was gone, I was like, ‘I have to take this space, so let’s go!’
“Being with him for a year and a half was really good for my career. That puts you in such a difficult position that you have to get past him.”
It is worth mentioning that from August Faustão na Band will give way to a new program: Melhor da Noite. The attraction is designed to combine journalism and entertainment and will deal with topics such as cooking, sports and health and have humor boards. The lecture will be given by Zeca Camargo and Glenda Kozlowski.
But why did Faustão finally leave the band?
In May, Fausto Silva, in agreement with the broadcaster, announced that he was withdrawing from his daily program after a year and a half with the band, thus confirming the end of the partnership between the two, which was valid until 2026.
“In agreement with the band, moderator Fausto Silva will leave the day’s program in the second half. After his departure, Faustão will have led the band’s evenings with competence and professionalism for a year and a half. Faustão na Band, with more than 700 hours of programming, 350 editions and the participation of the biggest names in Brazil’s artistic class, brought joy, fun and information to millions of Brazilian families. The band will continue to invest in this entertainment offering with daily attractions and news to be announced soon,” read the TV Bandeirantes communiqué.
The presenter returned to the channel where he was first conceived for all of Brazil more than 35 years ago. The communicator made his name on the stage of Perdidos na Noite and became one of the most recognizable names in the country.
During his second stay at Morumbi station for a new chapter, Faustão even renounced his own salary and donated money from his own pocket to maintain the structure he wanted in Band like Pizzaria do Faustão, Dança das Feras and other paintings.