Felipe VI welcomes the members of the Euro Latin American Parliamentary Assembly

Madrid, July 24 (EFE). – Felipe VI. received this Monday the participants of the 15th plenary session of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), taking place this week in Madrid, following the recent summit of the heads of state and government of both regions in Brussels.

The meeting, held at El Pardo Palace, was the king’s first public appearance after the PP narrowly won the general election and incumbent Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez could be re-elected if he at least got the abstentions of junts’ Catalan separatists.

Once the Congress and Senate are constituted on August 17, it will be up to the monarch to convene the parties and propose a candidate for investiture.

The EuroLat delegation was led by its co-chairs, Javi López from Spain and Óscar Darío Pérez from Colombia.

The plenary session of the 150 parliamentarians from Europe and Latin America – 75 from each region – begins this Wednesday in the Senate, although the first preparatory sessions have already begun today.

The EuroLat meeting comes as part of the Spanish EU Presidency, following last week’s summit meeting between the 27 countries and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) in Brussels. EFE


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