Final section of “ and Passion : Aline makes a comeback while Antônio is in prison TV news

Terra e Paixão will put the train on tracks so that Aline (Barbara Reis) can turn things around. She is pregnant with twins and will run away so nothing bad happens to her in the final part of Globo’s nine o’clock soap opera. The pregnant woman will be locked up in a convent, while Marino (Leandro Lima) and Caio (Cauã Reymond) will speed up the process so that Antônio (Tony Ramos) is arrested for attempted murder. Vinícius (Paulo Rocha) will be the big asset of the turnaround.

The public will see the first steps towards a turnaround this Monday (4). Jurecê (Daniel Munduruku) will inform Caio that the geologist remembers the attack he suffered. He had a dream in which he saw the face of his tormentor.

Aline and her lover will run to the village and talk to Vinícius. She will be full of hope to prove that her neighbor is a murderer and thus truly get her land back, as well as find the peace she desires to move on with her life.

“Yes, yes, I confirm everything… I don’t know how, but suddenly I started to see a series of distorted images in my head… But they became clearer and clearer,” reports Vinícius. “And what did you see?” the rural producer will ask with interest.

“I saw, I saw… I was being followed until the moment a man with a white mustache and beard appeared in front of me and shot at me,” explained Vinícius, still with some mental confusion.

Iraê (Suyane Moreira) will say that it can only be Antônio and Caio will say that it is easy to remove the doubt. He will take his cell phone out of his pocket and show a photo of his father. “Tell me, Vinícius… Look carefully at this photo and tell me if it is the man you saw in your memory… Is that the right one?” says the young man, played by Cauã Reymond, ask.

“It’s him… It’s him! This is the man I saw shooting at me!” the geologist will confirm. “It was everything we needed… Caio, you have to tell Marino!” Aline will cheer. “The police chief must know that Vinícius remembered the man who tried to take his own life!” agrees Caio, also happy with the light at the end of the tunnel.

Terra e Paixão was written by Walcyr Carrasco and Thelma Guedes. The story takes place in the fictional town of Nova Primavera in Mato Grosso do Sul. The story will remain on air until January 19 next year and will be replaced by the remake of Renascer (1993).

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