We already knew that Ipanema Beach was wonderful. But when this recognition comes from abroad and the place is compared to hundreds of other beaches around the world, the realization fills us with even more pride. 🏖️
Accordingly, Ipanema was considered the second best in the world this week Lonely Planet, Australian travel guide.
The announcement of the 10 best beaches in the world is a preview of the Best Beaches in the World guide, which will soon present a list of the 100 best beaches.
Among the positive features of Ipanema, organizers noted the sunset, which it described as “surprising,” the extensive 3kmlong beach and the diversity of social groups that enliven the place. Those responsible liked the characteristic division into contributions, each of which attracted different interests.
Check out their observations:
- Tourists will find the surfers' refuge at Posto 7. 🏄‍♀️
- Many children were observed at Posto 8. 🧒
- Young people and artists come together at Posto 9. đź•ş
- Posto 10, on the other hand, stands out for its volleyball, football and footvolley games. 🤾
Ipanema was the second largest beach after Pass Beach in Bryon Bay, Australia, known for its ideal surfing conditions and hiking trails in the local palm forest. Third place in the top three went to Ao Maya in Thailand, a small beach hidden by limestone cliffs and high walls that only appear in rare coastal regions.
Ipanema is the only Brazilian representative in the top ten places of the ranking.
In addition to Rio, there are also beaches in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South America. Check out the list:
- 1 The Pass, Byron Bay, New South Wales Australia
- 2 Ipanema Beach, Rio de Janeiro Brazil
- 3 Ao Maya, Ko Phi Phi, Krabi Thailand
- 4 Mnemba Island, Zanzibar Tanzania
- 5 Sarakiniko, Milos Island Greece
- 6 Chesterman Beach, Tofino, Vancouver Island, British Columbia Canada
- 7 Cabo San Juan del GuĂa, Tayrona National Park Colombia
- 8 Anse Source d'Argent, La Digue Seychelles
- 9 Playa Balandra, La Paz, Baja California Sur Mexico
- 10 Punta Paloma, Tarifa, Cadiz Spain
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