Friends, the testimonials: Emma Striglia (score 8), the antics for Nicholas at the Evening (score 4)

Santa Claus leaves for the evening, a television and no personal achievement: grade 4

Fifteen shirts are up for grabs for the evening, and seventeen students are still sitting on the benches. Amici always becomes a lottery in the closing stages of the afternoon show, and this edition is certainly no exception. In fact it turns on the turbo. This time it is aspiring dancer Nicholas, who has been at the school since September, who is paying the price. He has always been criticized for his lack of technique, which actually makes him inferior to his teammates. He knows this, also because he studied dance for very little time compared to the others. So he spent the last six months shining in the rehearsal room, under the guidance of teacher Raimondo Todaro, who, against the opinions of all his colleagues, even that of Maria De Filippi herself, really wanted him in the talent show. The result was an endless series of subsequent fights, triggered mainly by the always very strict professor Alessandra Celentano, which enlivened the daytime and Sunday afternoon shows. Nicholas has improved somewhat in his dancing, but above all in his dialectical ability to react and that is the only reason why he is allowed to conquer the evening. The idea is obviously to re-offer the same prime-time theaters on Canale 5 to be available to an even larger number of viewers. Who will be thrilled to see him made a martyr and, written off, even humiliated? Of Celentano's thrusts, but also of the superiority of everyone else in the competition. On television, a magnet for Filipino audiences, as we know. The gold jersey for this boy is not an achievement, but a poisoned apple. Let's just hope he doesn't delude himself too much. He was not chosen as a dancer, but as a stock-hungry and rebellious farmer. I feel sorry for him.

Emma criticizes Petit: “We need more cosmopolitanism!”: Vote 8

The aspiring singer Petit, a kind of budding neo-melodic trapper, and the dancer Marisol teamed up. He courted her tirelessly for weeks until, despite her initial reluctance, she gave in. Obviously a minor matter. However, the public became aware when Emma insulted the young man. The singer, who returned from Sanremo, was seen sitting at the bar with a grim, sullen look in his eyes while his girlfriend prepared on stage in high heels for a “sexy” dance performance. So before the student started dancing, Emma immediately scolded the young man: “How do you look?” When you stand like that (he mimes it, editor's note), it's clear that you're angry! At least I expect the new generations to be more open-minded!” Good. Especially because it brought to light an annoying detail that otherwise would have gone completely unnoticed. To promote his “Apnea” and serve as an additional vocal judge, he gave the best lessons possible.

Emanuel Lo gets involved and plays card stealing with the students: Score 4-

A hero. At least that's what Emanuel Lo may think he's passed in the eyes of the entire public. While there are certainly those who swallowed so much of the narrative, it would not have been difficult for the wiser ones to recognize the purely selfish motive behind what the dance teacher did. Later that week, after a disastrous confrontation between Nicholas and his professor Raimondo Todaro (we'll get into that in more detail soon, editor's note), the boy returned to his bedroom and began closing his suitcases towards his house pack. Like a scene cut from CentoVetrine, the door of the room suddenly opened and let in Emanuel Lo, the Messiah, who suggested that he stay in the talent show, which made him feel the gold of the evening (in the episode, actually). give him the shirt). The gesture of our discrepancy corresponds to what he himself has said so far, i.e. within six months, about the young aspiring dancer. Unlike when he entered the school, he gave him unsatisfactory reviews (to say the least) until last Sunday. So what has changed in seven days? Has Nicholas turned into Nureev? Unfortunately not. To put it simply, Amici has no longer been necessarily about the children's talent, but has become a competition full of mischief and skits between teachers. This time in a card stealing version. How bitter.

The sadism of making “the knitters” dance in front of those still sitting at their desks: Voice 7

The episode begins with fifteen gold jerseys available for the evening and seventeen students still awaiting trial. Two are therefore left out. However, some are already blessed and look like shining cherubs sitting on the benches. To widen the gap between the elite and the pariahs, the tradition is repeated of making the “evening performers” – everyone, both aspiring dancers and singers, in the learning center – dance in front of their classmates, who do not yet know what they will want from them. The song is inevitably “Tuta Gold” by Mahmood, with ad hoc choreography. An opportunity given to the “Magliati” to rejoice in the result achieved and which is repeated with every bet in the face of those who remain seated at the dealer, torn by the limbo of uncertainty. However, everyone is smiling and having a lot of fun. A bizarre situation. We encourage the authors' subtle and tasty sadism.

Todaro cannot be justified, his twist is stupid and embarrassing, rating 3

Let us return to St. Nicholas, because the question of his ascension to heaven in the evening can only have three parts. In fact, three main actors were involved in the crime: the boy Emanuel Lo and the teacher of the aspiring but clumsy dancer Raimondo Todaro. Irritated by the tone of her voice, even Maria De Filippi now rolls her eyes when our man utters a word. This week, after six months of vigorously defending the young man, he could not tell Nicholas after two episodes in the evening when his student asked him directly: “You deserve to go there.” In fact, he even gave the finger on the wound: “You would be an outsider, there are others who deserve it more than you.” As a result, Todaro tries to turn his back on him by claiming that he had given him a free choice. And indeed, rightly humiliated, Nicholas had decided to pack his bags and go home. Until the “saving” intervention of Emanuel Lo, who took over the management, accepted him into his team and gave him the coveted gold jersey. Todaro, attacked by everyone, offers lame justifications: “I would have followed him even from home, besides, I don't know how to explain how much I respect him.” “Yes, but I'm here now and you have you cared about me so much that you let me leave that school. “You didn’t want me at the evening show,” the boy claims. And he's right. He was a pawn (and remains a pawn) in a stock rush. Todaro volunteered for six months, which made him perhaps the worst of the bunch. If only because of the obtuseness with which he continues to not understand the obvious complaints of his (now former) student. Untenable.

Pettinelli wants to “steal” Zerbi Lil Jolie (and he succeeds well): Rating 7.5

Regardless of the excesses of which she is all too often the protagonist in the episode, Anna Pettinelli has a sense of talent. Here I am. Proof of this is the fact that this week he tried to steal aspiring singer Lil Jolie from Rudy Zerbi, who has kept her on the team for months without giving the impression that he knows what to do with her. The young woman is a tangle of insecurities and dramas about nothing, but she sings well and, purely vocally speaking, it would be a shame not to see her at the evening. Pettinelli then offers her the gold jersey and gives her time to think about what to do. As a result, Zerbi calls the girl on stage, lets her perform and then surprisingly sends her back to the bar. If he had cared at all about advancing her in the talent game, he would have immediately gifted her the coveted jersey, fending off Pettinella's invasion of the field. Instead, nothing; he also wants to give her “time to think,” he says. Let's hope that the young golden suppository proves capable of making the most logical decision. Because unfortunately she is faced with a teacher who hardly believes in her. And to another who is willing to sacrifice one of her students to see her in the evening. What should we “think about”?

Mr. Rain is a guest, the audience goes into mystical ecstasy for no reason: rating 5

He enters the studio and the audience cheers him ecstatically from the stands as if he were a Marian apparition with random climaxes. A real superstar reception for Mr. Rain, fresh from a Sanremo festival during and after which no one noticed his participation. Nobody except, apparently, the bystanders in Amici's studio, who sing “Due Altalene” with him from the first verse of the opening verse. The singer, who claims that he does not write on sunny days, is about to tour Italy and therefore has no intention of retiring from music, as has been revealed in recent days in which the sad story has been making the rounds on the Internet made between him and the never mentioned – in Amici – Sangiovanni. “I just want to take it easy, I think I'll take a break, maybe even two and a half years. “We'll get over it. Apparently you don’t have to become “superheroes” to do this.