From Ukraine, Castellone (M5s) in Chamber: “Sad to hear those who say they are not stealing resources to invest in weapons branded as populist.”

“Today we vote with conviction for this measure, we do not have it never questioned our trust in government or the certainty that Europe and NATO must always be defended and strengthened. For real sad to be called populist who says we cannot divert resources from sectors that are on their knees and reforms to invest in weapons. The head of the M5s group said it in the Senate, Mariolina Castellónin the explanations of vote Of Ukraine in the classroom in the Palazzo Madama. “There are entire sectors to their knees, 15% of Italian families will not be able to pay their bills, but for all other political forces, the issue of increasing military spending seems to be at the center of the agenda, and then even the debate on this measure has been polluted by those who have tried to confuse the plans said Castellone . We cleared the field of instrumental confusion between things that were not related, between Ukraine and the discourse on budgetary decisions in Ukraine defense sector, which must be discussed and deepened in the appropriate forums, without licking forward and imposing provocatively. In this way we have restored normality to the legislative process, which risked being sidetracked into side issues.

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Draghi: “Increased military spending for the Def? There is no concrete evidence for this or any other item.
