Giorgione was forced to sleep in the car, the disturbing revelation leaves you shuddering: The reason is very disturbing iFood

Giorgione has to sleep in the carGiorgione Ifood

The legendary Giorgione and the unexpected backstory that no one expected from the innkeeper.

If we talk about the legendary GiorgioneThat means Giorgio Barchiesilet's talk about the bearded chef who became famous thanks to him Red shrimp, which features captivating recipes on television and then on its YouTube channel. Everything to observe and imitate in the kitchens of our house Ingredients absolutely Really To naturally.

What the latter on which Giorgione He himself has never made a secret of it, as he has no problem saying that the ingredients he uses to prepare the recipes that we see in his videos all come from his garden and, as he said, his area therefore they are not industrialized.

The latter is the same practice with which he cooks in his taverns and conducts his business. Simply put, his trademark is this Naturalness of the ingredients and undoubtedly the generous portions. It's not for nothing that even the biggest enthusiasts will have noticed the same thing about him Video recipesAlways uses natural peeled tomatoes to make sauces.

There are many recipes where everything comes from created from A to Zeven from then on Doughsof which a concrete example is the best Pizza with bakingIn fact, it's now known that bacon is his favorite sausage, with the noodles or base literally made from scratch.

Giorgione Besides that he is not a chef, which he always stated verbatim. Be real qualification He sees it veta profession he practiced for about a dozen years until he moved with his wife to the farmhouse where he still lives and where he also records recipes for television, which many have also seen on YouTube.

Giorgione and his passion for cooking

As he himself said, cooking has always been part of his life big passionwhich he was also able to transform into a over time Work. In fact, everything we see was created by him magical hands That's absolutely it Fruit of such great passion And just as practical over time.

For him, thatimperative they are indeed the generous portionsas already mentioned, is not interested and does not care about the coating and that presentation from her Groceries which, as we can also clearly see in the Video recipeseven if they don't come artfully plated However, I am capable of it wake upand not a little, thatappetiteby those who observe them.

Giorgione has to sleep in the carGiorgione before and after Ifood

The innkeeper was forced to “sleep in the car”

Some rumors would seen sleeping in the caror at least this is the result of an old interview from a few years ago that had fans very worried, as they thought that he had fallen into poverty, as one would expect from such a statement, but fortunately this was not the case .

He was found to have lost a lot of weight, possibly because he was forced to follow a certain diet, although it appeared to remain the same Giorgione He then claimed to have interrupted. “Me I fell asleep in the car and I was dangerous to myself and to others,” were his words, with a rather joking tone, as we always were Get used to knowing him.

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