Goodbye Televisa: After ‘lawsuit’ with ‘Hoy’ producer, presenter reveals project on TV Azteca?

Mexico City.- According to an alleged “Lament” with Andrea Rodríguezthe producer of the show today and his aunt, for romance with Raul Araizathe famous and always controversial driver, Andrea EscalonaShe recently confirmed that you should tell him goodbye to television to the important project within Aztec television?

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As you know, for a few weeks Alex Kafie He explained in his column that Rodríguez was dying for Araiza and therefore sentimentally exploiting his pain of separation to conquer him and have something more than a working relationship since the presenter, which he is said to have already achieved from None He explained that they already had their intimate encounters.

The TV producer assumes he’s already had lunch with ‘Negro’ (aka Raúl Araiza),” Kaffie said.


In light of this, Chacaleo’s YouTube channel explained who would not have liked the idea of ​​a romance between Chacaleo’s sister Magda Rodriguez and he, well, apparently she would be in love with her comedian partner from Hoy, because while she was ‘Doña Inés’ in the Funny tenorBoth of them were engaged to each other and there was kissing off the scene, a situation she reportedly can’t get over.

Although said information about the love affair between the driver and the producer of the morning show of the company San Ángel is only a rumor, as well as the irritation of the also actress, the rumors about serious problems between them have not stopped even Between Magda’s sister and daughter there are said to be many tensions inside and outside the company.

Now the same actress dating red sky confirmed in an interview with Eden Doranteswho will probably not take part next Monday, March 28th, but not because of a struggle between the elements of the famous morning program, but because of work projects in Huatulco, since they will show the beaches of that place, then those of Oaxaca and in two more weeks return to Huatulco.


Afterwards, Escalona indicated that although he will only be recording in Oaxaca and Huatulco so far, he hopes they can expand soon and visit more locations to show all of Mexican culture and wealth everywhere in front of Hoy’s cameras.

Likewise, Escalona expressed that they are already preparing many things and surprises for the third season of Today the stars are dancingand highlighted that Rodríguez has worked hard to include surprises and new things in the program so that the public can continue to see them every day.

Andrea works great. It has many surprises in store for you. He didn’t stick with the company from morning to night. There are big stars, I can’t say anything…ask Andrea why she’s killing me, but you don’t know the names that will be there,” Escalona said.


Finally, she confirmed that both she and her aunt will continue to participate in the Hoy program as they still have a signed contract for several months and hope to continue with Televisa next year.

What I’ve heard so far is a lot of stars, very new things, things that haven’t been seen before, and the names it brings will affect you. The stars have come together now, yes we are going very well,” he concluded.

Source: Eden Dorantes official YouTube channel