Haitian Organizations Satisfied with Corruption Reports

Port-au-Prince, November 24 (Prensa Latina) Civil society organizations and political parties today expressed satisfaction with the Anti-Corruption Unit (ULCC) reports that the Treasury lost around $30.3 million.

For the organization Together Against Corruption (ECC, its French acronym), the reports show that the legislature and the Senate in particular are “plagued by corruption,” as are autonomous public institutions such as the Old Age Insurance Office and the National Port Authority.

Likewise, the platform questioned the appointment of officials who, it asserted, often did not adhere to the rules and regulations established by law.

According to ECC, many officials are appointed because of their connections and obey the orders of those in power only at the expense of compliance with administrative and accounting standards.

They also encouraged citizens and officials to alert the public and the ULCC to possible acts of corruption that should be investigated.

“Reporting corruption crimes is a civic duty. It must be extended to the entire country, to all autonomous public institutions, to all ministries and to all local units,” the panel said.

ULCC reports found that acts of corruption cost the state about four billion gourdes ($30.3 million), or two percent of the state budget for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. The crimes identified during the investigation are misappropriation of public property, illicit enrichment, money laundering, abuse of office, illegal appropriation of land, false declaration of assets, forgery of public documents and criminal conspiracy.

The investigations affected public administrative institutions such as the National Office of Old Age Insurance, the National Equipment Center, the State Lottery, the Ministries of Education and Foreign Affairs, as well as the Ouanaminthe City Council and Senate.
