He marries in Azovstal, dies after 3 days in a Russian raid

Valeria Karpilenko, nicknamed Nava, and Andriy, nicknamed “Barba”, both Ukrainian fighters, were married on May 5 in the basement of the Azovstal Steelworks in Mariupol, while the Russian army relentlessly bombed the plant. Three days later, Andriy was killed in an attack by soldiers from Moscow. Now Valeria has told her love story on Instagram in the hell of the steel mill, which has been surrounded for weeks. The story was reported by the UNIAN agency.

Nava said that despite everything, she and her husband managed to be happy for three days. At the wedding, in the presence of the other defenders of the steel plant, two improvised wedding rings made of aluminum foil and shown in the photos published on the social network were exchanged. “You have been my legitimate husband for three days. And you were my love for eternity. My dear, caring, brave … you were and are the best,” Valeria wrote, “we managed to get married. We managed to be happy. we couldn’t be together I will always love you, my hero.” In the photos posted to Instagram, the two newlyweds, dressed in military uniforms, cling to the lens. They show hands with wedding rings. Valeria with dark eyes and hair, Andriy smiles sadly and forebodingly.



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