Here’s why flu and covid are hitting harder in winter Biotech

The cold suppresses the first line of immune defenses implemented in the nose, the main route of entry into our body for viruses that infect the respiratory tract (free via pixabay) © Ansa PHOTO The cold suppresses the first line of immune defenses implemented in the nose, the main route of entry into our body for viruses that infect the respiratory tract (free via pixabay) © ANSA/Ansa

It has been discovered why colds, flu and Covid-19 strike more often during the winter season. As previously assumed, this has nothing to do with the fact that people spend more time indoors in winter, but the cause is the low temperatures: the cold suppresses the first line of immune defense that is built up in the nose, the main route of entry into our bodies from viruses that infect the respiratory tract.

This was demonstrated by the publication of the results in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, the research group led by Harvard Medical School’s Eye and Throat Hospital, which collaborated with Northwestern University. The discovery opens up therapeutic solutions that cover up this weak point, such as nasal sprays that strengthen a weakened immune system. The nose is one of the first points of contact between the outside environment and the inside of our body.

A 2018 study published in the same journal and led by the same institute had discovered the existence of an immune response triggered by bacteria and viruses entering the nose: the cells in the front part actually detect their presence and Inside the nose, mucus releases billions of tiny, fluid-filled sacs (called extracellular vesicles) that surround and attack invaders before they enter the body.

Now the researchers led by Di Huang have shown that this mechanism is influenced by temperature: they have observed that a decrease in the temperature at which the nasal cells are located by 5 degrees weakens the immune response and the number of vesicles produced is almost halved . “The question now is: How can we exploit this phenomenon – asks Mansoor Amiji from Northeastern University, co-author of the study – to protect the nose more, especially in the cold months?”.


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