Ho Chi Minh, revolutionary of the world | CMKX Radio Bayamo

Ho Chi Minh revolutionary of the world CMKX Radio

Ho Chi Minh is one of the key figures in the struggle for independence and the subsequent formation of the Republic of Vietnam.

On this September 2nd, humanity commemorates the 54th anniversary of the death of a person who was a global role model after the liberation of Vietnam from the colonial yoke.

Also known as Uncle Ho, he is one of the main characters in the struggle for independence and the subsequent founding of the Republic of Vietnam.

After 28 years in exile, Ho Chi Minh returned to Vietnam in 1941 during World War II to embark on the path of independence for the Asian country, which was then under Japanese rule. The outstanding leader also led Vietnam’s resistance against the French and American invaders.

In his fight for independence, he founded the Communist Party and the first revolutionary groups called Viet Minh to oppose the invading Japanese forces. At the end of World War II, he proclaimed the independence of Vietnam on September 2, 1945 in the city of Hanoi, becoming the first president of the Asian country and ending the centuries-old rule of France, opening a new era in Vietnam. , independent, free and sovereign.

Ho Chi Minh dedicated his entire life to the liberation of the Vietnamese people and contributed to the people’s common struggle for peace, independence, democracy and social progress.

54 years after the death of the Vietnamese leader, the legacy of his struggle and ethics serves as an inspiration to the people suffering from the forced occupation and military violence of empires that result in bombs, innocent deaths and destruction. The leader of the Vietnamese revolution understood that the strength of the people was the basis for a solid victory, and their love for the homeland was a constant driving force that was impossible for the enemy to penetrate.

Therefore, Uncle Ho’s legacy is the strength of the Vietnamese people, which made the nation a symbol of the developing world’s struggles against imperialism, colonialism and exploitation.

There will be much to study about what President Ho Chi Minh thought about the rule of law of the people, by the people and for the people. In building the first worker-peasant state in Southeast Asia after the August Revolution of 1945, this is of utmost importance in the organization and functioning of a creative state that serves the people.

For Uncle Ho, human rights consist not only of the right to equality, life, liberty and happiness, but also of civil rights and the right to be protected by law, to travel, to reside, to marry, to own property, and to freedom of thought, belief and religion, among other things.

The Vietnam of these days draws its progress and path to the future from the thought of Ho Chi Minh. This is a comprehensive concept in breadth and depth that covers all areas from politics to economics to culture and society.

Sweet reward for the efforts of a man who founded the dreams of the world from his land. A world that honors him with energy and example, fame and history for eternity.