Horoscope 2024, Ada Alberti and the sign of the year: "The beginning of a new era" The weather

We are at a turning point; the coming year could mark the end of a period and the beginning of a new era. L’Horoscope 2024 From Ada Alberti explains how some celestial transits expected in the coming months and years represent a change of scenery for astrology enthusiasts. There is Jupiter leaving Taurus to enter Gemini at the end of May 2024, explains the astrologer on his sideand again Uranus in Taurus and Neptune in Pisces along with Saturn.

“But the most interesting astrological event of 2024 is the entry of Pluto into the air sign Aquarius“, explains Alberti. The planet “will enter Aquarius in 2024, this time finally in the penultimate month of the year, i.e. on November 20th, where it will remain for 20 years.” Therefore, we can assume that the turning point from the end of 2024 will not be quick, but will start slowly.”

Also read: Horoscope 2024, Simon and the stars: “This hasn’t happened for 248 years”, the turning point

What does Pluto’s “turning point” mean from an astrological perspective? The planet, which will remain in Aquarius, is the symbol of genius, technology, scientific discoveries, but also “change in a political system that needs to be renewed”. Pluto will be opposed by Uranus in Taurus, explains the astrologer, which enthusiasts will follow Mediaset. In short, we are at the end of “a period and the beginning of a new era.”