How Some Yellow Dolls Help a Boy Become a Villain and Four More Things to Watch on TV Today

There’s only one animated saga to gross over €4,000 million, and it tells the story of Gru, a disastrous supervillain-turned-superhero, his three adopted daughters, and the jewels in the crown, the minions. This Saturday, adults and children can sit on the sofa and enjoy the latest of their films: Minions: The Origin of Gru. But there is also a television offer for the slightly more sophisticated taste with the film “Ciudadano Kane”, which has been voted the best film of all time by critics. or one of the latest discoveries at this year’s Goya Awards, “La Maternal”.

‘Citizen Kane’

#0, 00:45

Citizen Kane. United States, 1941 (115 mins). Directed by Orson Welles. Int.: Orson Welles, Joseph Cotten.

Welles’ debut and a key piece in the development of film language. Based on the life of journalistic businessman William Randolph Hearst, the film articulates itself around a single word and ultimately becomes a frantic portrait of the lust for power and the loneliness of money. A pessimistic and gloomy vision of human existence.

“Wonder Woman 1984”

Antenna 3, 22.10

Gal Gadot in Wonder Woman 1984.Gal Gadot in Wonder Woman 1984.

United States, 2020 (151 minutes). Director: Patty Jenkins. Cast: Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig, Pedro Pascal.

Gal Gadot slips back into the skin of the superheroine created by Professor William Moulton Marston. Faced with the darkness and cold of Patty Jenkins’ first version, Wonder Woman returns with more power, color and action. The most remarkable: a difficult beginning, more to overcome than the end that closes the story.

Miquel Iceta in LaSexta Xplica!

The sixth, 9:45 p.m

A week after leaving office, Minister for Culture and Sport Miquel Iceta is about to give one of his final interviews amid the controversy over censorship of works in some town halls. In addition, the program analyzes the keys to the ending election campaign and gives citizens a voice to answer a question: is the Spanish economy “running like a motorcycle”?

“Minions: The Origin of Gru”

Movistar Premieres 2, 2:00 p.m

One of the moments from Minions: The Origin of Gru honoring Jaws.One of the moments from Minions: The Origin of Gru honoring Jaws.

Although it’s not the funniest of all the movies in this saga, it’s a title full of humor and action that will unite young and old. The former see their yellow friends back on screen and the latter relive their youth and childhood with nods to 1970s pop culture. Gru is a fan of a villain group he wants to be a part of, and commits his typical misdeeds with the help of the minions.

“The Maternal”

Cinema with Ñ, 17.05

A film with a personality of its own, in which the characters step off the screen to give you a clear punch of their problems. Carla is 14 years old and a defiant and rebellious young woman. While he’s skipping class, he lives with his single mother in an old roadside inn. When the social worker realizes that she is five months pregnant, the young woman enters La Maternal, a center for child mothers, where she shares her everyday life with other young women like her. It’s a stumbling entry into a grown-up world that even the grown-ups themselves don’t understand.

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