“I have no regrets” and thinks of a new film to tell his story

by Teresa Cioffi

“When I was young I was like Martina Stella – he said – I want her to interpret me.”

“Repentant disgust me, I’m not sorry”. She has been dubbed the queen of teleshopping as well as one of Italy’s biggest scammers. Wanna Marchi doesn’t care what people thought after the release of the Netflix series dedicated to her. He proudly looks back and thinks about the future. And among the new projects is the production of a film.

“I would do everything I have done in my life again, starting on September 2, 1942, when I was born in a small town, Castel Guelfo – she tells in an interview with TV – I did not expect that the series would do so well, I was against it at first. But now I’m glad I did. They invited us everywhere, from New York to Hong Kong.”

According to Wanna Marchi herself, what the series lacks is the sense of optimism that she wants to give a voice to in the new film. “They show rise and fall, and then what? – he explains – since 2013 we have regained our freedom, paid for everything and everyone, we have done a billion things that cannot be seen”.

Marchi would have already chosen the most suitable actress for her role. “When I was young I was like Martina Stella. I want her to tell my person”. He has already thought of the actress for the role of his daughter Stefania Nobile: “A very good one – Marchi and Nobile know – would be Meryl Streep.”

December 4, 2022 (change December 4, 2022 | 2:38 p.m.)